

Founded in 2012 by Amaury Hendrickx and Pieter Lathouwers, Dentius is a European DSO (Dental Service Organization) operating 76 dental practices: 56 in Belgium (#1 player), 6 in Germany, 9 in the Netherlands and 5 in France. Dentius employs c.610 FTEs, of which c.320 dentists. The group is headquartered in Antwerp (Belgium).

Dentius’ model relies on (i) a close partnership with dentists, who handover administrative tasks (appointments, HR, purchasing, accounting, etc.) to a shared service center and can thus focus on their clinical work, in a stimulating setting, and with a full clinical autonomy and (ii) a qualitative and modern care offering focused on patients.

Dentius benefits from the Qualicor accreditation and offers a wide range of dentistry treatments, covering general dentistry (prevention, examinations, cavity treatment, etc.), restorative and aesthetic dentistry (implants, prosthetics, etc.) and specialty dentistry (orthodontics, periodontics, paediatrics, etc.).


In July 2021, Florac invested in Dentius as a minority shareholder alongside the founders and managers, who retain control of the Group.

Florac’s investment in Dentius will provide the Group with significant resources to accelerate its growth projects, with the aim to become one of the leading pan-European players.

Key achievements:

Dentius initially developed in Belgium (Flanders, Wallonia, and Brussels) through an acquisition and greenfield model, and more recently in Germany (2019), the Netherlands (2020) and France (2021).


Investment Date:

July 2021


In portfolio


Healthcare / Dental care

Investment type:



Antwerp, Belgium

Revenue 2021:

Not disclosed

Headcount 2021:


Key people:

Amaury Hendrickx and Pieter Lathouwers (Founders), Ivan d’Hauwe (CEO)




